Video Production Company Wicklow

5 films offers our award winning video production service across Wicklow. We have many services and options to choose from. We are one of Ireland’s leading video production companies. We offer a full video and film crew to 100% remote video solutions. To find out how we can help you please get in touch with our friendly staff for any of your Video Production Wicklow requirements.

Corporate Video Production Wicklow

5 Films specialise in Corporate Video Production, Corporate Video is an ideal solution to put your company in the forefront of your industry. Our Corporate Video service is filmed at your business premises or any location throughout Wicklow. We also offer a remote solution where we can complete your corporate video production project off site.

Business Video Production Wicklow

Video is a great tool for business. Our business video production service in Wicklow has many benefits. Video can increase your company’s profile which ultimately leads to an increase of sales. Business Videos are a great marketing tool which can used for promotion or advertising. They can also be created on a bespoke basis for your business. We offer many different types of Business Videos in Wicklow to choose from.

Aerial Video Production Wicklow

With its world class scenery, Wicklow is best placed to avail of Aerial Video. We offer our Aerial Video Production service as a standalone service which can be ideal for mapping or construction video timelines. We also offer our Aerial Video Production service in conjunction with our other services, Ie we can incorporate Aerial Video into a Promotional Video. We use the latest drone technology to capture your aerial video in stunning cinematic visuals.

Video Production Agency Wicklow

5 Films offers a full Video Production Agency service across County Wicklow. Some our most popular Video Production agency services :

  • Company Profile Video
  • Social Media Video
  • Construction Video
  • Recruitment Video
  • Advertising Video
  • Employee Introduction Video
  • Health and Safety Videos
  • Training Videos

Animation Explainer Video Production Wicklow

Our Animation Explainer Videos are made in house and are suited for any video production purpose. They are a great cost effective tool for corporate, training, business or promotional Videos. We offer a television standard voice over artist to complement all of our Animation Explainer Videos, this with custom animation and logo graphics brings the wow factor. Check out our wide range of completed Animation Explainer videos by viewing our portfolio.

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Film Production Wicklow

Film Production in Wicklow is offered by 5 Films. We have access to huge talent pool of actors, directors and film production professionals to make an industry leading film. We produce short and long feature films for television, satellite tv, YouTube and many more. You can see samples of our film production work in our showreel. To discuss your Film Production Wicklow project please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.

Promotional Video Production Wicklow

If you're looking to promote your product, brand, business or company our Promotional Video Production service is an ideal solution. Video leaves a lasting and positive impression on your customers. A Promotional video can be completed in many ways from filming on site or we also offer a 100% remote solution where no site visit is required. 5 Films can incorporate many different services into a Promotional Video from animation to aerial video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a bespoke video production service?

Yes we can offer a tailored video production solution to your specific needs. Please get in touch and we can advise you of the best options.

Do you offer your service nationwide across Ireland ?

We offer our Video Production service across County Wicklow and nationwide across Ireland.

What do you include with your video production packages?

We include everything from pre planning your video project right through to filming or animation creation through to final editing , delivery and sign off.

Why Choose Us?

5 Films are one of Ireland’s leading video and film production companies. We have completed many video and film projects both in Ireland and worldwide. We are trusted by global brands. Have a look at our showreel where you can see samples of our film and video production work.

What is the cost involved for producing a video?

We will provide you with a full quote once we go through your full list of video production requirement's. We are proud to offer all of our services at highly competitive rates while delivering videos to television standard.

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